Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lets remember the 90s....

oKAy...an era I thought I'd never find myself moving to repeat is the styles of the 90s. I think it's only natural, the time of your younger years becomes a period to look back on in embarrassment, frowning on your past self. But here I am looking over pictures of 90s grunge and thinking perhaps it's not so bad afterall. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if there's one thing the 90s got right, it was their position on leggings, and if I think about it in that respect I have been channeling the era quite strongly for the last year or so. But now the 90s are making their comeback more than ever. For the duration of 09 winter the shops have been decked out with ill fitting seemingly misshapen swing tops in various tie-died elements of utter grunge- and this is something I vowed never to succumb to. But in some ways grunge style has a lot going for it. Take this picture (stolen by me from the latest sartorialist post, it displays grunge in a somewhat classy form. You can't deny it, she's got style. The jeans have that ever-popular oversized boyfriend style to them, and the oversized and understated white tee has the misshapen 90s style without the dowdy 90s curse of making her appear as though she should be begging for your pocket change. But overall the statement of the outfit which you absolutely can't get past is the rip factor. The jeans have been fabulously dun over, and display that 90s ripped jean grunge that outfits like this one make me absolutely love. So, this spring I'm open to it. Last year I ventured outside of my vacuum tight skinny jean phase to by a pair of boyfrienders and this time around I vow to dabble in the ripped effect. As seen here it can really work when complemented in a classy enough way, and like this fabulous italian woman, I will endeavor to get it just right.